It’s simple. Deliver what you say you will deliver…do it honestly, laying out the parameters and expectations…and go above and beyond that.
That establishes your credibility…and with that, marketing and establishing that credibility to the outside world will be incredibly easier.
Think about the people who appear to be overnight successes. Obviously, it’s not literally overnight, but with great testimonials, press, and consistent performance…the success rate becomes exponential, thus “overnight success”.
Concentrate on the work you put into your logo, your product performing (obviously), the honest relationship you seek to have with the world, your overall brand, your actions, and deliver.
Don’t cheat.
This will BRING IN the targeted clientele you want and they will GO OUT and share & target the other clients you want, thus establishing your credibility. It will be our job to exploit that to the outside world…and when its genuine, it’s easy and it’s a lot of fun for everyone…and this goes on to instill loyalty. The ultimate goal.